Friday, May 06, 2005

The absent-minded professor

Among the many ten-page papers that need to be written in the M.Div. program at Holy Cross, there was also this one. I enjoyed writing it, so as far as I am concerned, the grade does not matter. Still, I was curious whether the professor had any comments. Today, he brought some papers to return to us, but mine was not among them. After class, I went to him and asked about it. The response was something along the lines of "Why do you worry about it? It was a good paper." I said, "I'm not worried about it; I'm just curious about your comments. Could I come by your office to get it?" He said, "Yeah, come by."

When I got to his office, there were a couple of other people there and a lot of papers on the desk (which very much reminded me of my desk at Notre Dame, as well as of a sticker a professor from Midwestern State had on his desk: "A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind."). It took a little bit before he found the paper. He paused... he looked at it... and he said, "You know, I haven't read this one yet."


Blogger TeaLizzy said...

Gee, I wonder which professor that could possibly be!

12:08 PM  
Blogger Virgil Petrisor said...

Life at the seminary is quite an experience - so far it has been really enjoyable and very much an opportunity to learn. I try to relate the interesting/funny bits here, when I don't get caught into the theology trap (see my latest post for an illustration :)

in Christ,

9:28 AM  

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